Beta Review Master 1.1a by

Latin Typing Key

a_ e_ i_ o_ u_
ā  ē  ī  ō  ū
Classical Latin

Vocabulary Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 30
  • Words from chapter 30
    •    A. even, plain, level, flat
    •    B. to veil oneself, be married, marry, wed
    •    C. a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill
    •    D. a marriage, wedding, nuptials
    •    A. a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill
    •    B. ancient, former, of old times
    •    C. yesterday
    •    D. to lift, take up, raise, elevate, exalt
    •    A. a will, way, habit, manner, fashion, caprice, humor
    •    B. to cause to come, call, send for, invite, summon, fetch
    •    C. to pass away, come to nothing, vanish, disappear, be lost
    •    D. to bear about, bear, carry, wear, have, hold, sustain; me gero=I behave; rem gero=I conduct a matter
    •    A. to kneel down, humble oneself, pray humbly, beseech, beg, implore, supplicate
    •    B. a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill
    •    C. a dance in a ring, choral dance, dance:
    •    D. even, plain, level, flat
    •    A. to allure, attract, delight, charm, please, entertain, interest
    •    B. to discern by sense, feel, hear, see, perceive, be sensible of
    •    C. a marriage, wedding, nuptials
    •    D. a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill
    •    A. a gift, present
    •    B. rich, wealthy, opulent
    •    C. to bear about, bear, carry, wear, have, hold, sustain; me gero=I behave; rem gero=I conduct a matter
    •    D. a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill
    •    A. to allure, attract, delight, charm, please, entertain, interest
    •    B. rich, wealthy, opulent
    •    C. a gift, present
    •    D. to veil oneself, be married, marry, wed
    •    A. to discern by sense, feel, hear, see, perceive, be sensible of
    •    B. moving two ways, fluctuating
    •    C. a marriage, wedding, nuptials
    •    D. the sun
    •    A. of a marriage, wedding-, nuptial
    •    B. a dance in a ring, choral dance, dance:
    •    C. to bear about, bear, carry, wear, have, hold, sustain; me gero=I behave; rem gero=I conduct a matter
    •    D. newly, lately, recently, freshly, not long ago, just
    •    A. to bear about, bear, carry, wear, have, hold, sustain; me gero=I behave; rem gero=I conduct a matter
    •    B. to pass away, come to nothing, vanish, disappear, be lost
    •    C. yesterday
    •    D. ancient, former, of old times
    •    A. a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill
    •    B. of a marriage, wedding-, nuptial
    •    C. to cause to come, call, send for, invite, summon, fetch
    •    D. to pass away, come to nothing, vanish, disappear, be lost
    •    A. able, mighty, strong, powerful, potent
    •    B. light
    •    C. moving two ways, fluctuating
    •    D. the sun
    •    A. of a marriage, wedding-, nuptial
    •    B. moving two ways, fluctuating
    •    C. a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill
    •    D. a will, way, habit, manner, fashion, caprice, humor
    •    A. to allure, attract, delight, charm, please, entertain, interest
    •    B. to veil oneself, be married, marry, wed
    •    C. moving two ways, fluctuating
    •    D. a marriage, wedding, nuptials
    •    A. light
    •    B. to veil oneself, be married, marry, wed
    •    C. newly, lately, recently, freshly, not long ago, just
    •    D. to lift, take up, raise, elevate, exalt
    •    A. a marriage, wedding, nuptials
    •    B. moving two ways, fluctuating
    •    C. the sun
    •    D. a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill
    •    A. ancient, former, of old times
    •    B. a will, way, habit, manner, fashion, caprice, humor
    •    C. of a marriage, wedding-, nuptial
    •    D. a gift, present
    •    A. to pass away, come to nothing, vanish, disappear, be lost
    •    B. light
    •    C. a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill
    •    D. to allure, attract, delight, charm, please, entertain, interest
    •    A. a will, way, habit, manner, fashion, caprice, humor
    •    B. to veil oneself, be married, marry, wed
    •    C. a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill
    •    D. able, mighty, strong, powerful, potent
    •    A. to discern by sense, feel, hear, see, perceive, be sensible of
    •    B. to bear about, bear, carry, wear, have, hold, sustain; me gero=I behave; rem gero=I conduct a matter
    •    C. to lift, take up, raise, elevate, exalt
    •    D. rich, wealthy, opulent
    •    A. ancient, former, of old times
    •    B. a dance in a ring, choral dance, dance:
    •    C. the sun
    •    D. newly, lately, recently, freshly, not long ago, just
    •    A. a marriage, wedding, nuptials
    •    B. a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill
    •    C. of a marriage, wedding-, nuptial
    •    D. to kneel down, humble oneself, pray humbly, beseech, beg, implore, supplicate
    •    A. to veil oneself, be married, marry, wed
    •    B. to allure, attract, delight, charm, please, entertain, interest
    •    C. to lift, take up, raise, elevate, exalt
    •    D. moving two ways, fluctuating